Gulden Draak Classic 750ml
$26.50 – $159.00
The original ruby red. This dark tripel is an exception among the Belgian Triples. Gulden Draak is re-fermented in the bottle and the keg, making it a real ‘living beer’. The second fermentation offers the nice creamy head and the full body of the centuries old brewers yeast. It balances a natural malt toffee-like sweetness with a mellow accent, but the complex taste with notes of caramel, roasted malt and coffee makes it unique. The aroma is round, sweet and hides the 10.5% abv. In some circles, Gulden Draak is regarded as ‘Barley Wine‘, so likewise you will want to enjoy this beer responsibly, maybe with friends.
Gulden Draak has been one of the main festive beers of the proud city of Ghent for many years. The Gulden Draak statue has sat atop the Ghent Belfry for over 700 years!
Gulden Draak (original) 750ml
Size | 750ml, 750ml x 6 Pack |