Piraat Red 330ml
$11.50 – $243.00
Colour – Red
Piraat Red is a soft beer with a fresh taste of red fruit. Its subtle bitterness finish makes you enjoy this delicious special beer.
It’s medium bodied, and nicely carbonated with a gassy filling mouthfeel. Not too complex, but well balanced, and with plenty of depth of flavour.
It’s very smooth, creamy and luxurious in taste and texture, with lots of thick jammy graininess. It’s sweet yet dry, and slightly bitter. Plenty
of malts, hops, marzipan, almond, and cherry. Definitely, one of the best Belgian fruit beers.
A beer of high fermentation with a delicious fruity character and a slightly tart finish, this Ruby red is the perfect summer ale.
Piraat Red 330ml (*Glass not included)
Size | 330ml, 330ml x 6 Pack, 330ml x 12 Pack, 330ml x 24 Pack Carton |