Piraat Triple Hop 750ml


Colour – Amber

The brewers at brewery Van Steenberge had noticed the trend toward more hoppy beers worldwide and decided to experiment with the world famous Piraat Ale to produce a strong and rounded, yet complex brew with defined hop character.

The result is Piraat Triple Hop! Piraat Classic Ale is the foundation that gives the brew a full-bodied base from which the caramelized malt, blended with dry characteristics are derived from the high levels of alcohol. The brewer then adds four different hops into the brew at 3 different occasions during the brewing process (Hence Triple Hop). The hops pitched are Saaz, Tetra and Aurora twice in the brewhouse and then Cascade is used to dry hop. The four styles of hop delivers a complex character which stands up to the great name of Piraat!

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Piraat Triple Hop 750ml

Additional Info

750ml, 750ml x 6 Pack

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